
Friday, October 7, 2011

The Importance Of Time Management In Your Online Business

One very necessary skill that you must learn to be able to properly run your online business and will also enable you to work smarter instead of harder, is time management. There is a world of difference between running around busily all day and not getting very much done and being productive in an efficient manner. This involves focus, something that you have probably heard people speak about before.
You may have heard of the 80/20 rule, this rule states that 80% of your efforts which are unfocused, produce 20% of your results. That is not a good equation, so you really do need to get focused and have 20% of your efforts delivering 80% of your results.
You can help yourself to create and maintain focus by setting goals, after all, what is more satisfying than actually reaching the goals that you have set for yourself?
For your business to grow successfully, certain goals need to be achieved, and once you have set those goals, then you must really strive to achieve them.
You must always remember that where your attention is focused, is where your energy will go and the choice is your as to where your attention is at any given time.
Make rules that you will not visit forums and surf the internet until you have achieved the goals that you have set yourself for the day.
Even then, once today's tasks have been finished and the goals achieved, it is a good idea to set out the goals for tomorrow, so that you are ready to go straight to work on them the following day.
This will also give your subconscious a bit of time to think about how you will go about achieving those goals the next day.
It is important to make these goals realistically achievable, by not underestimating their difficulty and make sure to allow enough time to complete them.
Do not spend too much time on goal setting, make the decisions and get and finish the task, then you are sooner able to get on with the next achievement.
When you start to manage your time effectively, you will see much more productivity in your work and much more success will happen.
After a short while, this will become second nature and you will be surprised at how much you will be able to achieve compared to the time when you were not focused on specific tasks.
So make sure to start focusing on these goals once you have set them and you will very soon notice a positive upturn in your productivity, which in itself will uplift you and very likely make you go on to achieve even more once you start to feel the satisfaction of achieving your goals.
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Thanks for reading,
Garry Sterling

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