
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to Create a Facebook Page to Promote Your Business

Here's the big question everyone is asking: Should you create a Facebook Profile, Facebook Page or a Facebook Group? The short answer is that a business should have a Facebook Page. Facebook Groups are for people with similar interests and follower of a cause or particular event and Facebook Profiles are for your personal profile only. Each (business owner or not) is required to sign up for a Facebook Profile to start out.
What's the difference? Facebook Pages are for businesses in the same way that Facebook Profiles are for individuals. Facebook Groups joined by individuals who share the same interests or support the same cause. Pages are like a mini, one page website for your business. Pages are well organized and straight to the point for local businesses, services and even musicians and bands. Pages allow you to reach a targeted audience in an organized manner, quickly and efficiently.
Have you ever visited a business' Facebook Page and noticed it has thousands of "Likes" yet the page itself has little to no content? This is a phenomenon of social networks in the sense that the follower of said Facebook Page might not necessarily like the business or product, but by clicking the "Like" button, the product or business is exposed to all of that person's Facebook friends and therefore further defines said person's interests and likes.
So let's get down to it, how do you use a Facebook Page to promote a business? Just follow these simple steps.
  1. Setting up your Page: Login to Facebook. Click on "Ads and Pages". Click on the "Pages" link with a little flag icon next to it. Select the type of business from the drop-down list and type a name. Click on the "Create Page" button.
  1. Customize your new Facebook Page for your business (Hours, Directions, Parking, Description, Website, Phone).
  1. Connect your Facebook Page to a Twitter account.
  1. Suggest your new Page to your friends. Groups of friends, colleagues and family members.
  1. Run a Facebook Ad campaign to promote your Page. Pay per click, target market, demographics, etc.
  1. Create your first wall post.
  1. Add a Like Box to your website.
  1. Use Facebook Insights and Analytics to measure user data and interaction.
Now that we covered how to setup your Page, how do you use it to promote your business? There are a couple of items I recommend.
First, make sure there is a visible hyperlink to your business' website located somewhere highly visible on your page. Do not name your page:
"yourbusiness.com" as we aren't setting up a page for your website, rather your business. An appropriate Page name would be "My Name Business, Inc." or "Widgets, LLC", etc.
Second, make sure you clearly post the type of business from the drop-down menus at the top of the "Info" page. This will help clearly define the style template Facebook Pages will apply to your page.
Third, post your hours of operation. Making sure to mark which days you are open and which days you are closed.
Fourth, post your local telephone number(s). Fifth, write a complete description of your business. Feel free to include a description of the most popular products and services you offer as well.
Fifth, start interacting with your Facebook Page. Create a few wall posts and make sure you have a hand full of photos uploaded, especially a Profile Photo. I recommend using your company's logo to keep it professional. Do not use your personal photos on your Facebook Page.
And Finally, make sure to invite all of your Facebook friends! This is important. If you don't send out invites, no one will be able to find your newly created Facebook Page. Going further past this step, you can hyperlink to your Facebook page on your company's website and add a "Like" box as well. Facebook offers about a dozen different ways to integrate with your website. Good luck out there.
Need help setting up your Facebook Page? Contact us at Las Vegas Web Design and we'll do it for you. MJM Design is a Las Vegas website design service. Looking for a website company in Las Vegas? Visit our website for the following services: Las Vegas website design and Las Vegas web development services. MJM Design also provides Las Vegas web hosting, Las Vegas E-Commerce website design, Las Vegas Search Engine Optimization, Las Vegas graphic design and more!
Located in Ohio? Contact our Columbus Web Design company and we will gladly setup your business Facebook Page for you. We will even give you a complimentary website SEO analysis.
Copyright 2011 Matt McWilliam and MJM Design.

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