
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

? What is Google Panda

More than two months since the experts and the site Engoa giant Google do a new update algorithms on the site. After this the speed of caffeine on the development of broadcasting and indexing sites messages and a preference for sites with fast load. 

Today's topic may be a lot of bloggers and site owners and forums do not know anything about him or did not give him his right, knowing that he is dangerous and threateninghundreds, if not thousands of blogs and sites.

What is this the Google Panda?Panda said this is a special quality of content, that is that Google will index the blogs and sites on the quality of the content. In the sense that the content is copied and the weak will not be of any benefit to the owner, and this is a fatal blow to our brothers (cut and glued to the owners of publishing and automatic Auto-Blogging) Vmdwanthm and positions will be Dell's results on the search engine. 

This is due to update the new and Allve seeks his successor site Google to improve the content on the network, and this All sites that rely on copying and Asq and publishing automatic messages and a blogs and sites with content a little and the quality poor became Khtro the owners to remedy the situation prior to circulation service on all the sites. 

Has been working in America since the USA Stqsy two months and a lot of sites, and will be introduced in Europe in the next month and Allve followed. And then enter into force on the Arab sites and blogs, I think. 

To benefit: This update has been named by Panda as one of the architects and developers, this update is called the Panda. 

Read more on the blog Blogger Secrets: http://widget-blogs.blogspot.com/2011/06/what-is-google-panda.html # ixzz1aV0MfPn9

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