
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tips On Choosing A Ghostwriter For SEO Purposes

Tips On Choosing A Ghostwriter For SEO Purposes

If you want to get more traffic to your site by writing SEO friendly articles but lack writing skills, you should probably hire a ghostwriter. A ghostwriter is a person or a team who write quality articles to be submitted to a free article directory. However, instead of using their names, the articles will be submitted under your name. If you want to hire one to write SEO friendly articles for you, make sure you choose the right person/team for the job. Here are some of the things you should take into account when choosing a ghostwriter:
1. Writing samples 
Ask for writing samples from the ghostwriter prior to hiring them. Seeing the portfolio of a ghostwriter is necessary. By examining their writing style, you can assess whether the writer will meet your expectations or not. Effective, SEO friendly articles should suit your niche and should be to the point. Ineffective articles will only cost you money and they will not do you any good.

2. Personality 
You should also take the writer's personality into account. Regardless of the quality of their writings, it is not easy to work with a person or a team who do not have a pleasant personality. As you will need to cooperate with them most of the time, you should avoid personality clashes. Personality and skills are what define a ghostwriter.

3. SEO company vs. freelance writer 
Hiring an SEO company usually cost a lot more than hiring an individual. An SEO company usually has a team of editors while a freelancer will work alone. You need lots of luck in order to find a good freelance ghostwriter. You will probably need to interview 3 to 4 candidates before you can get a good one. On the other hand, SEO companies have a reputation to keep. Their team of writers and editors will make sure that the articles meet your expectations before they submit them to a free article directory. SEO companies usually also guarantee you live articles and content change while necessary.

4. Local vs. foreign 
As you will have to communicate a lot with your ghostwriter, finding one who is near to you would be more efficient. Today you can easily communicate with other people via e-mail, video conference, or instant messaging. However, many people still prefer conventional, face-to-face communication. But if you are from a non-English-speaking country but want to cater to English-speaking readers, you will inevitably encounter some problems.
A well-chosen ghostwriter is important for free article directory submission. Submit your well-formed article to free article directory high PageRank for high traffic.

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