
Thursday, October 6, 2011

How to Recover Google Analytics Account Data

How to Recover Google Analytics Account Data

What would you do if one day you find that the account or profile of your website in Google Analytics is no longer available or has been deleted. It happened with me ten days back and I was like blank when I realized that the statistics (data) for my website are not available in my Analytics account. It was during the course of adding another user (as an admin) that I mistakenly deleted one account / profile from the main user (administrator).
I Googled to find out the possible solution to recover the data but what I found is that once a account gets deleted it will not be recovered and if a profile gets deleted one can contact Google for recovering the data. Till then I was not sure what I had deleted - a profile or an account. My worst fears came true and a chill went through my spine when I found that I had deleted an account and not a profile. I posted my problem in several forums like hundred others to get a solution. And i did got a solution and recovered the statistics for my deleted account. This is how I recovered the account.
First, the basic difference between a profile and an account (as most of us must be aware of) is that a profile is created under an account. or an account can have one or many profiles. Once an account gets deleted all the profiles inside that accounts also gets deleted automatically. Secondly, after an account gets deleted all the administrators of that particular account will get a mail from Google analytics team informing about the account deletion, like the one below:
We want to alert you that the Google Analytics account abc.com has been deleted by asdf.aab.com. Please tell non-Administrative users of this account that the account has been deleted. Thank you for your cooperation.
Now the solution is:
If you are an AdWords customer, you can be rest assured that your account will get restored in no time. What you have to do is to log into your AdWords account and click on the Analytics email support options. (this is what I had done)
You can also write to: "AdWords Support"
You can also post your problem in the forum
and can also visit:
However, please note, for the time when the profile remained deleted, you will not see any data in the profiles.
For more information, visit, http://www.sourcing2india.com/

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