
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

! How Can I Get My Website to Rank Higher In Google? The Truth Exposed

I've asked it a hundred thousand times. How can I get my website to rank higher in Google and other major search engines? Do I really have to choose only long-tail keywords with paltry search volume? Do I really need to focus on keywords at all, or should I just focus on creating great content and employ a little faith that the "Big G" will pick up my web pages for random search terms?
I've heard all kinds of conflicting answers to these questions, and quite frankly, it has a tendency to drive me nuts. How could so many so-called experts in the internet marketing arena have such vastly varying opinions on these matters? I've searched time and time again for the true answers, investing in countless internet marketing (specifically SEO) courses and spending endless nights on marketing forums.
But I've found a few things that work pretty consistently, and I've stuck with them. The tips I'm about to share with you are the same that I've personally used to rank dozens of profitable web pages in the elite spots in Google Search. They worked before the Panda update, and they're still working today. I hope you find the tips highly valuable.
How Can I Get My Website to Rank Higher In Google? Do This, This, and This!
1. Make sure your keywords aren't too difficult to rank for. This can be accomplished by checking the strength of your competition. All of the results on the first page of Google for the keyword you want to rank for should all be below a page rank of 5. Additionally, they should not have too many quality (from high PR pages) backlinks pointing to them.
2. Once you've selected a keyword that you can easily rank for, be sure to include it in your URL, all of your meta tags, your page title, and in the text of your content at a 1 to 3 percent density. Hyperlink one occurrence of the keyword, bold another, and italicize yet another. Use your keyword in a header 1, header 2, and header 3 tag (optional) in your article or post.
3. Build your backlinks with quality and consistency in mind. Aim to get your backlinks from high PR pages (not just a site's home page, but the actual page on which you are leaving your link). Blog commenting is a great way to do this, and if you can find good blogs to comment on that have the.edu or.gov extentions in their domain, then even better.
4. FOCUS! Here's where so many would-be marketers fail. They get impatient trying to rank for a good keyword, so they move onto the next keyword. Resist this temptation at all costs. I can't tell you how many articles I've written and blogs I've created that never saw the first page of Google simply because I was so busy creating articles and blogs! Get your stuff ranked, then move on!
How Can I Get My Website Ranked In Google - Putting It All Together:
I know you want more resources, and I have two options for you at this time. One is a paid option that I couldn't possibly recommend any higher, and the other is a FREE option which can still make a tremendous difference for you.
Option 1: Sign up for the SEO Experts Academy and gain a seriously unfair advantage over your competition.
Option 2: Grab my FREE 5-part video training course to gain a clearer understanding of all this "ranking on Google and cashing real paychecks" business. Get your free training at http://PJDollars.com

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