
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

8 Superb SEO Plug-Ins for WordPress

WordPress is the most popular tool for publishing content on the web. It is one of the most popular weblog publishing platforms that are available on the internet. In WordPress, one can develop from e-commerce websites to blogs. It has already built up a wide offering of free themes and SEO plug-in for the newcomers to get their content published on the web so quick and easy.
WordPress does not only provide you with state-of-the-art publishing platform but also a huge number of plug-in for Search Engine Optimization or SEO. While some plug-ins are very effective, there are some that are not. Because of this, we gathered some of the best SEO plug-in you may use for your website.

1. SEO Rank Reporter - This plug-in will allow you to track certain keywords in your website and then give you a report every 3 days. This also notifies you through your email whenever your keywords experience change in search engine ranking.
2. ALL IN ONE SEO PACK - This is the most popular solution for your WordPress site's SEO. It automatically optimizes your WordPress site by making meta tags and optimizing web page titles.
3. SEO ULTIMATE - It has a feature called Canonicalizer; it extends WordPress' native canonical features to make sure that web spiders are pointed to the primary posts with the same content but different URLS.
4. SEO Content Control - This plug-in can help you identify weak content on your site. It also helps you to easily identify potential trouble areas.
5. SEO Friendly Image - We often neglect optimizing images even though we know that it is also one of the factors that help your page get a high ranking in SERP's. Because of this, SEO Friendly Image automatically updates your images with the use of alt and title attributes.
6. SEO SMART LINKS - It automatically links keywords and phrases in your blog posts that are based on previous pages and posts. This SEO plug-in helps you set up your own unique keywords and sets of matching URLs. It allows you to set no-follow attributes and to open links in new browser windows or tabs.
7. Google XML Sitemaps - It generates an XML sitemap that can assist search engine spiders in indexing and crawling your WordPress site. It reveals also the structure of your site's content in a clear way for search engines.
8. Platinum SEO Pack - This has plenty of features that include automatically generating meta tags that helps you optimize page and post titles for search engines and also assisting you in avoiding double or duplicate content.
These 8 superb WordPress plug-ins will give your WordPress site a total SEO renovation. Install them and then get to know each SEO plug-in because it would totally benefit your site. So use it correctly and make your content visible; and eventually, attract more traffic that consists of your target audience.
Matthew is an expert in SEO and affiliate marketing. For more great information and tips on Search Engine Optimization and internet marketing, visit http://www.yourownwebtrafficnow.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6603536

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