
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

5 Easy Ways to Get More Twitter Followers for Your Organization

Twitter is a social media site that permits you to post short, concise status updates, or "tweets," regarding important information about your business. As a business proprietor, tweets are an excellent method to spread your message about promotions, coupons, company policy updates, industry news and business changes, and even to ask for feedback and input through your customers. Just as with any type of marketing plan, marketing through social networking outlets such as Twitter is really a numbers game. The more followers you've got, the more popular you then become, and the more your business's online reputation grows. For that reason, it is very important increase your Twitter following as much as possible. Here are 5 easy ways to increase your Twitter followers for your business:
1. Request retweets. Retweets are when your followers like something you tweeted so much that they repeat it as being one of their own tweets (giving you credit, of course). Make sure to tell your followers how important their thoughts are, and ask they share your news with their followers in the form of retweets, so that their followers can start to follow your Twitter page.
2. Put plenty of thought into your page bio. When you consider that a lot of your followers won't know you or your business personally, it is clear how important your profile bio is to making an impression. Get your business's message across and pique peoples' curiosity with an accurate and appealing bio.
3. Supply the url to your Twitter profile on everything and whatever you can. You ought to include your Twitter link in emails, on your business cards, on your company website, on your blog site, and in every other social media site you use in promoting your business. Moreover, integrate your Twitter account together with your other social media accounts so that your tweets are viewed across a multitude of Internet outlets.
4. Post photos. Pictures that are tweeted are highly apt to be shared by your followers, and are a great way to personalize your followers' Twitter experience with your company.
5. Involve yourself in discussions about the latest trending issues. Issues that are trending are topics that are having the most conversation on Twitter. You can look-up trending topics through search.twitter.com and, when you find one that relates to your industry or business interests, you can jump into the discussion in order to get recognized by a totally new set of Twitter consumers.
Twitter is an invaluable business marketing tool that, when used the right way, can exponentially grow your business's online presence and increase your customer following. Make the most of your Twitter account by putting it in the hands of professionals and contacting us.
Daniel Ramos has worked with companies ranging from Fortune 500 firms to small 1-person ventures, in creating Pitch Videos and "Success Makeovers" for his clients online presence. To learn more, visit http://www.BigDanMedia.com

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