Most companies these days have a web site. The financial input of designing and running the site is wasted money if that site does not perform and increase sales and company interest. By using a web site analysis company you can establish the successful areas that are achieving your aims and those that are failing.
By ascertaining the demographics of visitors is perhaps the most important part of running a web site. It is important to know the age, sex, marital status, location, education or other details relevant to your business. This information helps site owners to design advertisements or product details to targeted groups.
A further vital part of information required by the site owner is to establish the route visitors use to locate the site and what they do while they are there. This is done by using analytical software the statistics produced will provide this information, what keywords have been used to reach the landing point and time spent on each page. Together with the amount of pages viewed for each person and where they finish viewing.
To make the most of the investment that has been made on the web site statistics are paramount if you are to reap dividends from the time and financial outlay you are incurring. Using search traffic analysis you are able to make the most of the visitors to your site. It is critical for owners to be aware of the keywords and pages that are attracting the most traffic and focus on increasing those keywords or including additional content.
The bounce rate is further information the web owners need to be aware of. If people are visiting your site but leaving straight away without doing anything further you will need to know why and make alterations to reduce that bounce rate. By identifying the pages that have a high bounce rate owners will be able to amend the content accordingly.
Owners also need to keep a keen eye on the return on investment of any specific marketing campaign they are running. By implementing a campaign tracking system they will be able to monitor how many people are going to the site and what actions they are carrying out. This may be from clicking on an ad banner to making a purchase. The function of campaign tracking will allow all activity on your site to be monitored.
It is important for all activity on web sites to be monitored and analysed, detailed and personalised reports are produced and owners can make regular comparisons. If owners fail to make the most of their web sites it is throwing money away, good valuable content on web sites is essential to develop your business.
Dave Holland is the CEO of Deeho Ltd, a Search Engine Optimization consultancy with considerable experience. With SEO, SEM and Internet Marketing experts available for the optimization of all websites.
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